Monday, January 16, 2012


Love Hate

I've reached a love...
that's like the sun...
this love high is like....
Soaring higher...
low ,then higher....
with skylight...lit...
which are pleasures of my affection,
enduring and manifesting
all my saved-up wishes...
words of regret start coming out.
We all know the expression of this
thing called unconditional love ,
and fills voids in my heart,
toys with my mind...
but, is endeared in my soul...
each and every time...
you hurt...
my pain...
you cry...
my tears flow and interlace with yours..
during your sadness...
when your angered...
it steers my sanity...
into an perspective view...
as your face then lights up with gladness..
through it all you must remember...
my love for you is unconditional...
will continue to burn
my heart remains yours and stands firm.
Every time we embrace
our lashes of sorrows...
loads of problems
And love hate passionately meet...
during this unconditionally...
cycle of our love hate!

©2009 Kesha Murphy

Thanks Kesha!

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