Sunday, March 20, 2011



After all the dead ends & lessons learned,
through all the heartache & memories burned,
could you open your heart & risk love's deceit?
Or would you lick your wounds & accept defeat?

After all the tears you've cried, the broken pride,
through all the times they've lied, the pain inside,
could you open your eyes to your own surprise?
Or would you sever your ties & accept demise?

After all the sleepless nights, countless fights,
through all the bitter sights, wrongs & rights,
could you open your mind, never look behind?
Or would you stay confined & accept decline?

After all the dreadful name's, childish games,
through all the picture frames, faded flames,
could you open the door, to love once more?
Or would you recall before & be inclined to ignore?

After all the broken hearts, we'll one day find,,
through all our questions, true love is blind,
though a million things could knock us off our feet,
always remain discreet, for sweet love's deceit.

© 2011 Karen Gill

Thanks Karen!
Email your poems to me so they
can go live on THE NIGHT WRITER blog:

Write On!

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