Miracles do happen…and my life has become a treasure of...
extraordinary circumstances...because of you...There will always be hardships…yet the showers of joy rained upon my soul keeping me faithful and my hopes alive to smell your sensuous fragrance of compassion. Turmoil has no place in this lover of life and just for today...the clouds have opened its majestic and the gates of heaven have welcomed my love for you eve...How eloquent the path to romance can be...when adoration accompanies your every sequential moment of intent...I have loved you for so long...I used to sit in the sandbox…of playful situations as a child watching how butterflies passionately entertained one another on spring days of pleasure…wondering what’s it like to be as free as they seemed to be…As a young man I secluded myself in the middle of open fields, dreaming about what it would be like to cuddle in your arms and caress what makes you smile…maybe hearing your laughter soar along in magical ways of cheerful...persuasion. I have always been in wonderment of you...and not knowing when you were coming. It’s like waiting for happiness to captivate you, knowing one doesn’t have the power of time within its grasp...So my dear I must say…it has been absolutely breathtaking and my void stands fulfilled. There are no limitations…nor are there any boundaries which can keep the obsession and fervor I have for you. You have fulfilled the prophecy of this lover and your arrival into my life upon chariots of exhilaration is nothing but an awesome experience of immeasurable conditions…delivered by...burden of proof.
(c)ES 2010
Thank you ES!
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